Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Sensitive Spark

I'm shooting in a studio all this week so unfortunately I will be unable to visit any eateries, or antique shops, or delicious drinking bars, however it doesn't mean that I can't take any photos or that I wont be crying about the wedding and randomly hugging people. I have cried many times on shoots over the years due to stress and my lack of a thick Teflon skin, but today was a first when I cried tears of joy. How. Embarrassing.

The reason for the water works was a conversation with a Spark who I had not seen for a while:

Spark. 'Hi! How are you? You look well!' ('well' means fat in my eyes, but I let this go).
Me. 'Really good thanks! Its nice to see you!'
Runner. 'Have you got a date yet?'
Spark. 'A date? What for?'
Runner. 'She's getting married. She's engaged'.
Me. 'I'm engaged!' (cue maniacal ring waggling)
Spark. 'Aw, congratulations!!'
Me. 'Aw, thanks. My eyes are stinging. Can we talk about something else?
Spark. 'Thats really great, I'm really happy for you!'
Me. 'I'm going to cry'.
Spark. 'Are you in love?'
Me. (I'm crying).
Spark. 'Don't cry, come here'. (The Spark and I hug. I am sobbing onto his airtex uncontrollably at this point).
Me. 'I'm sorry.....I....I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment....I cant...help it...'
Spark: 'Don't worry. Its tears of joy!'
Runner. (Sidles off ).
Spark. 'The things is, you used to work so hard. It didn't go unnoticed and now I think its great that you have something happy to look forward to. You deserve it!'
Me. (mumble sniff snort mumble)
Spark. 'What?'
Me. 'Please don't . . . be nice to me....It makes it worse . . .'
Spark. 'Sometimes I cry tears of joy, you've just got to let it out'.
Me. (Sob to fade....)

Who knew sparks could be so sensitive? They are just like the rest of us deep down.

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